Monday, December 8, 2014

Fireside Chat

I really liked the Fireside chat. I don’t like over complicating things when it comes to these kinds of things. I also don’t like rehearsing every little detail beforehand as it leads to me being stressed, stiff, and not very genuine. I did know what I was going to talk about before I presented because I had prepared the slides and the topic. However, I wanted people to get an honest view at who I was and what I was presenting. The best way I have of doing that is by saying what comes to my head at that given moment. I hope that is what came across.

You’re probably wondering why I chose to talk about what I talk about. Alma, chapter 37, has one of my favorite scriptures of all time. “By small and simple things are great things come to pass…and simple things many times confound the wise.” This scripture has helped me through so much in my life. All of the little things that I do each and every day develop the kind of person I will become. The little things I do help complete a greater purpose. I may not be able to see the end and the beginning, and at times that may be overwhelming. But by doing my part each day I’ll be able to do anything I set my mind, body, spirit, and talents to.

I found the other fireside chat to, mostly, be insight into who my fellow students and friends are. We got everything from ghosts, dimensions of truth, to beatnik poetry saxophone slam on social issues. I didn’t agree with all of them but that’s okay. We don’t have to agree and we shouldn’t agree on everything. Everything would so incredibly boring if that was the case. There wouldn’t be the amount of creativity that currently exists if we agreed on everything. I’m sure our discussions in class have shown that. If I have gained anything from this assignment, or this class, it is that people will disagree and that is okay. We can still work it out and get along even if our beliefs, or views, collide and that’s great. I’m going to miss this class and there are very few classes that I can honestly say that about. It was some of the best of times. Have a great Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

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